Be in the Know About Junior Nationals Rules

Time has flown by and we are excited to meet you all in Madison in just a short 12 days. As you do any last-minute polishing to your projects for Junior Nationals we have some tips to help you make sure you are properly prepared.

Cattle Check-In

  • Weigh In: All cattle must come to check-in. Each animal will be weighed in.
  • Health Requirements: Be sure to read up on Wisconsin Health Requirements. They will heavily examine for warts and ringworm. A vet will be at check-in to check health papers and inspect animals.

Arts & Crafts, Photography, Promotional Poster and Graphic Design

  • Think out of the box: Create/capture things that describe your personality and you will use in the future. The project is always more special when it means something to you, plus judges like to see your personality shine out through your projects.
  • Options: Always have several options to choose from, then narrow it down. Be sure to gather opinions from other people if you’re stumped, but remember your opinion is always the most important.
  • Attention grabber: First impressions are everything, when the judges see you project you want it to stick out and be unique.
  • Come prepared: Be sure to fill out your name tag and statement of originality, so that check-in goes smoothly.
  • Reminder: All exhibits should promote the Shorthorn breed.

Cattlemen’s Written Test

  • Try something new: This is a new contest this year! Step out of your comfort zone and test your knowledge.
  • Come prepared: Don’t come into the test blindsided; study beef industry and Shorthorn breed facts.

Mentor Apprentice

  • Meet a new friend: A great rule to live by is to is meet three new friends at every show you go to, no matter what their age is. Attend Youth Conference I to either get pair with a younger member or older member for the week. This is a great way to get involved and meet new people from other states.


  • Presentation: Although this is a no-fit showmanship competition, make sure your animal is clean and ready to walk in the show ring.
  • Confidence: Be sure to bring confidence to the show ring to show the judge you are comfortable with your animal. This is a major thing judges look for.
  • Be on time! Make sure you give yourself plenty of time to prepare you animal. Each judge moves at their own pace, keep an eye on how on the speed of the judge so you know when to have your animal ready.
  • Senior Showmanship: The top 10 seniors will complete the showmanship competition by fitting and then showing their animal at the conclusion of the day. Competitors will receive 45 minutes to fit their animal.
  • Reminders:
  • Bulls cannot be shown
  • There’s a peewee competition for Juniors under the age of 5
  • You must use the same animal throughout the competition

Team Salesmanship and Speech

  • What is the Judge looking for?
    • Confidence: Own what you know. Present all your information with confidence. Make sure you are speaking clearly and loudly. This shows that know what you are talking about and are proud of your work.
    • Eye contact: Making the appropriate amount of eye contact is important when presenting. Practice at home presenting to a group of people so you feel comfortable.


  • The judges will ask questions
  • Dress for Speech Contest: prospectors are school clothes, seniors are semi-formal.
  • Team Salesmanship: You must be there 20 minutes before your scheduled time.


  • Teamwork: Know each team members strengths and weaknesses, then assign each job to the appropriate team member based off that.
  • Plan ahead: Make a plan with each team member, so it is clear they know what they will be doing. Divide it up so everyone has a job and is always working. A strong plan will make it, so the 30 minutes run smoothly and efficient.
  • Keep it clean: Keep your area clean so the judges can easily get around and examine your teams work.


  • Animals may enter the ring with a show halter in the prospector division only.
  • Don’t forget any of your supplies, generators are encouraged to make sure you have enough power.
  • Team members may be from any state as this doesn’t go towards the outstanding State award.


  • Things to know: The contest is scheduled to include 4 cattle classes (12 minutes per class). There will be 10 questions. PI will only judge two classes and then be dismissed.

Not signed up as an exhibitor for Junior Nationals? But you are a member of the American Junior Shorthorn Association? You can still compete in the contests! Just pay the exhibitor fee and sign up at Junior Nationals!

Our goal is to make this the “Greatest Show on Earth” for all ages. For kids 5 or under there’s still lots of fun activities to participate in “Under the Big Top”!  Sign up at

Hope we could answer any last–minute questions for this year’s Junior National contests. Take a look at the Edge so you’re aware of all the contest rules. If you have any more questions regarding any of the contests or need tips and advice feel free to contact us here at the office!


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