As we pack and get ready to leave for the National Junior Shorthorn Show, we thought it would be a good idea to put together a list of items that often get forgotten. Below is the Top 15 items that we have forgotten and we don’t want you to make the same mistake!
- Show Stick
- This may seem like a “no duh,” but we can’t name the amount of times that we had to borrow a show stick.
- Extra Socks and Shoes
- You don’t want wet shoes all day after washing!
- Registration Papers & Health Papers
- This may need to be in all caps.
- <–link to Tennessee Health Regulations
- Speakers/Headphones
- Who doesn’t love some good tunes at a show?! But remember your surrounding and your audience, you’re a role model for your fellow members.
- Favorite Food/Snacks
- Although fair and concession food is delicious, it can get tiring after a few days. Make sure to bring some of your favorite snacks! Below is a couple of our favorite food while attending shows!
Wyatt: crockpot cheesy potatoes, cake cookies, and hobo sandwiches
Faith: Chips, summer sausage & cheese, and sweet tea
Wade: crockpot breakfast burritos, peanut butter cornflake bars, and cinnamon rolls
- Lawn Chairs, Coolers, & Crockpots
- Lawn chair for naps, cooler for drinks and food, and crockpots for cooking.
- Contest materials
- Yikes! This would not be good! Don’t forget to follow rules and fill out all the necessary paperwork.
- <–Link to Contest Rules
- <–Link to Rules and Regulations
-<–Link to Statement of Originality
- Boots
- You don’t want to show in your barn shoes.
- Favorite Starched Show Jeans
- You also don’t want to show in your barn jeans.
- Revive, Hocus Pocus, Tall Adhesive, & Paint
- Although you can buy these at many shows, it’s easy to spend some big bucks if you forget these.
- Clippers
- These are crucial in preparation for the showring.
- Extensions Cords
- Clipper and blower cords are only so long….
- Wash Bucket, water hose, and foamer
- You ever tried washing an animal without these? Good luck.
- Fans
- Remember, “No Butt Fans in the Barn.” But they are allowed in tie outs
- Show Halters
- It happens to everyone, double check before you leave!
We are 3 DAYS from Junior Nationals! We can’t wait to see you all in Tennessee!