Shorthorn Percentile Ranks Winter 2019
Shorthorn Genetic Trends Winter 2019
Shorthorn Young Sires Winter 2019
The Young Sire list contains bulls that were born after July 1, 2012 and have had at least one calf recorded since July 1, 2015.
Shorthorn Progeny Tested Sires
The Progeny tested list contains bulls under 10 years of age with a WW accuracy of .3 or above and a calf recorded since July 1, 2015.
Shorthorn Trait Leaders Winter 2019
The Trait leaders are pulled from the progeny tested sire list. Trait leaders must have a .5 accuracy or above for each trait. An asterisk (*) under any trait indicates a bull in the top 25.
The North American Shorthorn Genetic Evaluation is part of the IGS (International Genetic Solutions) largest multi-breed genetic evaluation in the world. These EPDs are calculated by IGS. The entire set of EPDs are now on the same “base” as to Simmental, Red Angus, Gelbvieh, Limousin, Main Anjou, Chianina, Canadian Angus, Canadian Gelbvieh, Canadian Limousin. Canadian Shorthorn is part of the North American Shorthorn Genetic Evaluation. As a result, our EPDs are comparable with those breeds within the columns that are identical (BW vs. BW, Marbling vs. Marbling). Even still, Shorthorn calculates a $CEZ, Simmental does not; Simmental calculates Stayability EPD, Shorthorn does not. All said, you will still find differences breed to breed in what is presented.
Shorthorn $Indexes are a complex map equations aimed at helping Shorthorn breeders and buyers select for multiple traits at the same time, avoiding the pitfalls of single-trait selection. $Indexes are unique to the Shorthorn breed only and are not comparable across breeds.
The power of this data still lies in the hands of the Shorthorn breeders. ShorthornPlus cattle will have better EPD predictions, but ONLY if the non-Shorthorn side of the pedigree is built in the registry system. Remember, Angus, Chianina, Maine-Anjou, club calf bulls, and many other composite sires are represented in this evaluation in addition to Shorthorn, Gelbvieh, Red Angus, & Simmental. In the end, bull and female buyers can search for genetics from multiple breeds and compare the performance profiles against one another. Within the Shorthorn breed, we have known our strengths and weaknesses versus our competitors…now we get to gauge our genetic progress moving forward.