Intern Update: Favorite Beef Recipe

Hey there!

Abbey and Taylor again. We are officially in the month of June and less than a month out from Junior Nationals.  So excited to be there and get to meet all of you. Entering entries to the computer and contacting members for exhibitor packet information makes us feel like we almost know you a bit. (Does that sound creepy, it might be.)

Today instead of giving you an update on our lives as interns (because really the only update is that we are working hard to have everything ready for Junior Nationals), we are going to share our favorite beef recipes. We were inspired to write this post after finding some AJSA aprons in a very cold storage room that Abbey dubbed as the ‘meat locker’.

Abbey’s recipe ­– There is this amazing little taco truck a couple towns over from where I went to high school in Colorado called Lucy’s Tacos. After trying many different items on their menu with at least 50 different options, I discovered their Carne Asada Fries.  When I moved 10 hours away to Oklahoma for college I had to find a way to keep these fries in my life, so I developed my own recipe.

AbCarne-asada-friesbey’s Carne Asada Fries

Prep time- 45 min. to an hour. (Most of this is down time letting the fries soak)

Cook Time-45 min. to an hour.

Total time- 1.5 to 2 hours.

Serving size – 4 people

Ingredients – Fries

  • 4 large russet potatoes
  • 2-3 tablespoon olive oil, or preferred cooking oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste (most days I like to add in a little garlic salt)

Ingredients – Toppings

  • Half pound to a pound of steak – depends on how much meat you want. I prefer a nice marble tri-tip steak for some extra flavor, but you can also use skirt steak of steak you want.
  • Weber Steak and Chop seasoning to taste
  • Shredded cheese – I like a three cheese Mexican blend, but from here on out the ingredients are all personal preference
  • Sour Cream
  • Avocado or guacamole
  • Salsa
  • Shredded lettuce


  1. Cut the potatoes into sticks, about a quarter inch to half inch thick depending on how you like your fries. Then place the fries into a bowl of ice water and soak for 30 min. to an hour. This will help the fries to be nice and crunchy.
  2. Preheat oven to 425F
  3. After the fries have soaked, rinse and dry them thoroughly. Use 1 tablespoon of the oil to coat a baking sheet then toss the fries in the rest and season to taste. Spread the fries even over the baking sheet and cook at 425F for 45 min to an hour until nice and golden. Turn the fries about halfway through.
  4. After the fries are in the oven cut the steak into half inch cubes and coat the cubes in the Weber’s seasoning and let sit at room temperature until ready to cook.
  5. When the fries have about 15 min. left cook the meat in a skillet on medium0high heat. I like to use a well-seasoned cast-iron skillet or a griddle for a nice sear but any skillet will work. If needed add a little bit of olive oil to keep the meat from sticking and burning.
  6. When the fries are nice and golden turn the oven off and remove them. I like to layer on some cheese and place the fries back in the still warm oven to melt the cheese.
  7. Plate the fries and add toping as desired.
  8. Enjoy!

Unfortunately I don’t have a picture of my Carne Asada fries, but I have provided one I found from that is similar to what I based my recipe off.

stuffed peppers

Taylor’s Recipe:

As we all know, nothing beats Grandma’s cooking and I am pretty much certain my granny is the best cook of all! Growing up just a hop, skip, and a jump away from her house, I spent many days learning all the tricks to making the perfect dish. Moving 1,300 miles provided me with the chance to practice all that she taught me. Although, I will never be the cook she is, I think I have done a good job of perfecting a few recipes.  One of my all-time favorites to make is stuff bell peppers. Especially if they are fresh peppers straight out of Papa’s garden! With little preparation time, this is the perfect meal to toss in the oven on a busy night.

Prep time: 15-20 minutes

Cook time: 30-45 minutes

Total time:  45-65 minutes

Serving size: 6-8 peppers


  • 6-8 bell peppers
  • 1 box New Orleans dirty rice
  • 1 lb. ground beef
  • 1 medium onion, chopped
  • Salt & Pepper to taste
  • 1 can of tomato sauce (8 oz.)
  • Shredded Mozzarella cheese



  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
  2. Brown the ground beef in a large frying pan and add in the chopped onion, cooking until the vegetable is softened.
  3. Next, add salt and pepper to taste, and then add the can of tomato sauce.
  4. Stir in cooked rice and cook for another 5 minutes or until the rice is warm. (Meanwhile, cut the tops of the peppers off and spoon out the rubs and seeds. Rinse.)
  5. Lightly, sprinkle the inside of the pepper with salt and fill the peppers with the hot meat and rice mixture.
  6. In the bottom of a 3 quart baking dish, put a ¼ cup of water (so you can steam the peppers while they are cooking).
  7. Place peppers in baking dish and top with shredded cheese.
  8. Bake for 30-45 minutes at 350 degrees until the peppers are tender and the cheese is brown.
  9. Serve hot & enjoy!



apronsHope you have been practicing your beef cook-off recipes! It will be time to show those cooking skills off before you know it!


Shorthorn love,

Abbey & Taylor

Sponsorship Opportunities Available NOW for the NJSS


2016 National Junior Shorthorn Show & Youth Conference July 2-7, 2016

njss_2016_logo 2Each summer, over 400 members of the American Junior Shorthorn Association make their annual trip to the National Junior Shorthorn Show and Youth Conference. Youth are able to showcase their talents during the week’s events through educational contests, cattle shows, scholarships, and many fun activities to build friendships with other young Shorthorn enthusiasts!

Sponsorship Marketing Opportunities Include:

Title Sponsor: $10,000

  • Arena Sponsorship:
    • An extra large, dominant banner advertisement in show arena
    • Your signage will be featured prominently on the arena announcer’s stand and an additional banner in the show arena
    • Additional banner at high traffic location
  • Logo placement on Exhibitor T-Shirt
  • Trade Show Booth space in show arena
  • Every Champion will be pictured with your company’s logo
  • NEW! 1 Year Contract Digital Advertising on the New ASA Website
  • Jumbotron Advertising throughout the Week
  • Sponsor One Contest
  • Full Page Color Ad in Exhibitor Book
  • Access to Show Ring for Photography/Video
  • Engagement opportunity
    • Opportunity for your company to make a presentation or demonstrate product use to junior exhibitors
  • Recognition as Title Sponsor in Press Releases

Contest Sponsor: $500

Contest will be named after the company/person sponsoring.

  • Examples: Stock Show University Team Fitting Contest; Sure Champ Showmanship Contest
  • Anywhere contest is listed sponsors name will appear
  • Anytime contest is announced it will be announced with sponsors name in show arena

Arena Sponsorship-$2,500

  • Banner with your logo in Arena
  • Jumbotron Advertisement
  • Half-Price Trade Show Booth Space
  • Exhibitor Book Listing (Full Page Ad)

Aisle Sponsorship-$1,000

  • Banner with your logo on Aisle
  • Jumbotron Sponsor Name Listing
  • Half-Price Trade Show Booth Space
  • Exhibitor Book Listing (1/4 Page Ad)

Champion Sponsorship
Supreme Champion Sponsor-$750
Champion Sponsor-$500

  • Sponsor can be in animal’s Championship photo
  • Sponsor will be recognized during the show

Legacy Sponsor- $100

  • Your donation sponsors one junior’s participation in all activities at the Junior National and Youth Conference
  • Sponsor will receive communication from junior sponsored

Click here to download and complete the sponsorship registration form.

Click here to download the full 2016 SPONSORSHIP MARKETING OPPORTUNITIES packet.

For Additional Information, Contact:
Gwen Crawford • 816 -599-7777 •