EPDs are Updated in the RegistryThe North American Shorthorn Genetic Evaluation for Fall 2016 is now updated in the registry.
Delegate Election ProcessEach state will become a separate district to be recognized as a state delegation and Canada will be considered the equivalence of a state. The number of delegates from that state will be determined by the number of members in good standing at the time the ballots for delegate election are mailed.
Delegate ballots will be mailed from the ASA office in August of each year to members in good standing as of August 1 of that year. In order for members to make informed selections, a list of members in good standing from that state or district will accompany ballots. Only one ballot or delegate will be allowed per membership vote per entity or membership. The ballots mailed for each state or district will include the number of delegates allocated to their state or district. All ballots must be returned to the ASA office by the Tuesday after Labor Day in September of that year. They are due September 6, 2016.
All delegates will be contacted to confirm their willingness and ability to serve as soon as possible after the ballots have been returned to the ASA office and counted. Delegates will be notified at least 30 days prior to the annual meeting. Delegates will serve as their state or district representative from October 1 to September 31 of each year.
Annual Meeting will be December 3, 2016 at the Argosy Hotel and Casino. Check future Insider and Shorthorn Country for registration information.
For more detailed information about the election process visit the website.
NAILE Information– Ownership deadline NAILE Junior Show is Sept. 15
– Entry deadline NAILE National & Junior Show Oct. 1
Schedule Change at NAILESaturday November 12th
– Junior ShorthornPlus Show
Sunday November 13th
– Junior Purebred Show
Monday November 14th
– Jack C Ragsdale National Shorthorn Show
– Jack C Ragsdale National ShorthornPlus Show
Hotel InformationNAILE | Lousiville, Kentucky-
Hilton Garden Inn Louisville Airport, 2735 Crittenden Drive, Louisville, KY 40209. Rooms from 11/9/16-11/14/16, double and king rooms are available for $169 per night. Reservations can be made by calling the hotel at 502-318-2346 and asking for the American Shorthorn Association Block or by calling Rachel at the office at 816-599-7777.
National Junior Shorthorn Show 2017 DatesThe correct NJSS dates are July 3-8, 2017. Cattle can move into barn on the 3rd. Cattle and contest check-in will be on July 4th. Mark your calendars for attending NJSS in Tulsa, Oklahoma!
Hotel InformationFor National Junior Shorthorn Show | Tulsa, Oklahoma –
Embassy Suites Hotel, 3332 South 79th East Avenue, Tulsa, OK 74145 (Approximately 4 miles from fairgrounds). Rooms are available from 7/2/17-7/8/17, double suites are $109 per night and king suites are $104 per night. Reservations can be made by calling the hotel at 918-622-4000 and asking for the American Shorthorn Association Block or by calling Rachel at the office at 816-599-7777.
Expo Inn Hotel, 4531 E. 21st St., Tulsa, OK 74145 (Located on Fair Grounds). Rooms are available from 7/3/17-7/8/17, double kings and double queens are available for $99 per night. Reservations can be made by calling the hotel at 918-858-3775 and asking for the American Shorthorn Association Block or by calling Rachel at the office at 816-599-7777.
Country Inns & Suites, 3209 South 79th East Ave., Tulsa, OK 74145. Rooms are available from 7/2/17-7/9/17, double and king rooms are available for $69 per night. Reservations can be made by calling the hotel at 918-663-1000 and asking for the American Shorthorn Association Block or by calling Rachel at the office at 816-599-7777.
Hotel Information for National WesternNational Western | Denver Colorado –
Double Tree by Hilton Denver, 3203 Quebec Street, Denver, CO 80207. King and Double rooms will be available 01/08/17 – 01/17/17 for $116 per night. For Reservations you may call the hotel at 303-321-3333 and ask for the American Shorthorn Association Block or contact Rachel at the office at 816-599-7777.